The Ghatastha Yoga Method


The Gheranda Samhita written in the late 17th century, is a collection of stanzas of Sage Gheranda to his disciple, Chanda Kapali of the warrior caste.  In this classic text Sage Gheranda describes a 7 part system designed to transform the serious aspirant through purification of the body to the highest states of Samadhi and knowledge of the soul. The Ghatastha Yoga Method is therefore a Saptanga Yoga system.

Historically the term “Ghatastha” has been used as a synonymous term for Hatha Yoga.  The Gheranda Samhita defines Ghatastha as “training in hardiness”. The Ghatastha Yoga Method is a flowing form of Yoga comprised of techniques for transforming the subtle essences of the body and developing greater conductivity of Prana (vital energy).

The process of the Ghatastha Yoga Method performed as a meditation in action brings a mastery of the mechanism of the body/mind and increases conscious conductivity of breathe energy for participation in the deeper process of yoga.

Ghatastha Yoga Sakti Krama techniques are a wholistic way to get fit, strong and condition the nervous system! Designed around the ancient principles of health and fitness developed by the Yogis and Martial Artists of ancient India. 

Sakti means ‘power’ and Krama refers to the ‘process’ or protocols to follow, the protocols for developing power. Sakti refers to physical as well as mental and emotional strengths. This intensive practice includes flowing combinations of stances and standing poses, isometric yoga poses, stability training and core strengthening.

The Ghatastha Yoga Method Is Cons-cious Exercise For Health, Longevity, Fitness And Ultimate Freedom In The Body And Mind.

The Ghatastha Yoga Method is a progressive system of yoga techniques designed to cultivate the student from raw beginner to advanced practitioner. 

The Ghatastha Yoga Method aims to achieve the maximum results with minimal expenditure of energy. The different asana used in the primary and intermediate grades of the Ghatastha Yoga Method have been arranged to bring a rich supply of blood to the brain and the various parts of the spinal column. Asana work by stretching, bending and twisting the spinal column in all possible directions. This promotes the health of the nerves extending from the vertebra to the internal organs, limbs and extremities.

At Yoga Arts Academy our focus is on providing traditional Personal Tuition in The Ghatastha Yoga Method with the aim to achieve the highest possible level for our students. Everything is done to increase the understanding of The Ghatastha Yoga Method practice and theory.


Choosing inspiration over competition

Traditional warm up exercises

Suryanamaskar (sun salutations)

Stances and standing poses

Dynamic back bends

Forward bends and twisting

Inverted poses

Breathing exercises

Relaxation and Meditation techniques